CERBIOTECH is a Plant Biotechnology R&D Centre, created in 2002 by the Regional Council of the ‘Hautes Alps’ who is working in close collaboration with INRA (National Institute of Agronomic Research), CBNA (National and Alpine Botanical Conservatory) and University.

The main activity of the Laboratory is Plant Tissue Culture and more especially in vitro vegetative propagation by organogenesis.

In respect of the genetic conformity of the plants preserved or propagated, the Laboratory exclusively works through organogenetic methods.

The Centre is studying in vitro storage, conform vitropropagation and acclimatization applied to mountain scarce plants and important species issue from Mediterranean area. It is mainly working on Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), various species of truffle trees (hazel tree, oak, lime tree), cold tolerant olive tree and mountain species (alps wormwood, edelweiss …).

The Laboratory is more specifically specialized in Date palm micropropagation and acclimatization. Considering his expertise in organogenesis initiation from offshoots and inflorescences the Laboratory can introduce, initiate, preserve and multiply a lot of Date palm varieties and cultivars.

The Plant Biotechnology Experiment and Research Laboratory, CERBIOTECH also propose tissue culture Formation, Technological Transfer and Expertise.
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